Nancledra PSHE & RSE Curriculum is provided by Kapow Primary

How does Kapow Primary help our school to meet the statutory guidance for RSE & PSHE?

Our scheme of work fulfils the statutory requirements for Relationships and Health Education set out by the Department for Education. It also fulfils the National Curriculum requirement to teach PSHE (‘All schools should make provision for personal, social, health and economic education ) and goes beyond the statutory requirements by referring to the PSHE Association Programme of Study (recommended by the Department for Education.)
When this RSE & PSHE scheme of work is taught in conjunction with our Computing scheme, it also covers the government’s Education for a Connected World -2020 edition framework (see our Education for a Connected World framework mapping).

Key Areas

We have categorised our lessons into the five key areas below, which we return to in each year group, making pupil’s prior and future learning clear and shows how what we are teaching fits into their wider learning journey. Year 6 also have a further key area: Identity

Family & Relationships 

Health & Wellbeing 

Safety and the Changing Body 


Economic Wellbeing

Identity (Y6)

Lesson Plans and detailed content can be downloaded below

Click to Download Nancledra RSE,PSHE-LongTermPlan 2022-23 [pdf 1MB] Click to Download